Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Favourite Memories

TFF, the home of the game on the internets in many ways, has a thread where people are sharing their favourite memories of The ACC. With so many coaches in attendance over the years we will feature some of those memories here.

Today we hear from Darkson - a reknowned LRB5 hater, Man U fan, but decent chap nevertheless:

Has to be 2006. 1st UK (and Rest of the World?) LRB5 tourney, after spending months, if not years, decrying the state of BB after the LRB5 changes, I end up winning it [see Galak, told you there was something wrong with LRB5 ; ) ]

Of course, the 5-0 win against Geggster sticks in the mind for some reason... :D

Sunday, 20 February 2011

The ACC - Hype!

Excitement is already building ahead of this years Albion Coast Cup. Its one of the biggest trending discussions on the internets, with hundreds of comments on Twatter.
Here's some of the best:

@Darthvader - dont fail me again (to his blockdice)

@MartinLutherKing - I have a dream that one day on the Albion Coast, Dwarfs and Amazons will be able to sit down together at a table of Bloodbowl

@JuliusCaesar - I came, I saw, I drank the Fellowship, I fell over.

@VictorMeldrew I don't believe it! (Fishfingers brings Goblins again)

@Belafon - Roar

@ArseneWenger - The turn 16 gangfoul? I didnt see this

@Venomous_Breath - I thought it was renamed the SMMACC?

Saturday, 19 February 2011

A Brief History of The ACC

Back in 2004 Venomous Breath and Emberbreeze established the Albion Coast Cup, a Blood Bowl tournament held every year since in Southampton (with the exception of 2007 when Venomous Breath was giving birth).

Initially the venue was The University of Southampton Student's Union, but from 2006 the event has instead been played at The Hobbit, one of Southampton's most interesting pubs. The Hobbit is located in Beovis Valley, and has one of the largest beer gardens in the south.

In 2006 The ACC was the first Tournament in the world to use LRB5, and renowned LRB5 hater Darkson.... claimed his only ever tournament win!

The Albion Coast Cup is now traditionally played on August Bank Holiday weekend.

Did you know Lycos is the only coach to have played in every ACC